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Marcellus Accountability Project (MAP)–Tompkins - News & Events, Podulka, Bill, and Podulka Sandy , MAP - Tompkins, (2010)


Informational site produced by Bill and Sandy Podulka and an all-volunteer group of local citizens "concerned about the effects of gas drilling on our health, safety, and quality of life." Background:Gas Drilling Information from a scientist's perspective covering issues such as Water Contamination, Waste Disposal, Private Water Testing Reccommendations, Noise, Economic and Social Impacts, Pending Legislation, What People Can Do, and more...

Click the map... to see a map of Tompkins County showing all the tax parcels with recent gas leases. You can zoom in on parts of the map and print a customized version. The data was gathered by volunteers concerned about the effects of gas drilling moving rapidly into our area.

Updated frequently. Links to Take Action; News and Upcoming Events in Tompkins County and surrounding areas including Chemung and Cortland County, Buffalo, New York; Archives, , Resources, Gas Drilling Primer, Map Data Details, View Map of Gas Leases, To Find More lease Info, and others.

Contact form on website.

The Marcellus Effect, Smith-Heavenrich, Sue , Marcellus Effect, (2010)


Blog by Sue Smith-Heavenrich reporting from Owego, New York.


Sue Heavenrich.

I am a freelance journalist, writing about Marcellus gas issues, the environment and science. I live in upstate NY, surrounded by forest and fields. There is gas beneath my feet. member: Society of Environmental Journalists; Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators.

View my complete profile

Marcellus Shale - Subject Guides at Binghamton University Libraries, Binghamton University , Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling Research Guide, (2010)

binghamton university library

Binghamton University. (2009). This research guide provides online, print, and database suggestions to research Marcellus Shale gas drilling. Last updated July 13, 2010.

Marcellus Shale Coalition, Marcellus Shale Coalition , Marcellus Shale Coalition, (2010)

PA Marcellus - Marcellus Shale Committee

[Opportunities? Follow this link to jobs in PA, Commonwealth Workforce Development System (CWDS). Are you a carpenter or mason? Want a job for 23k a year? Frac Operator 1 would earn 24,960/year in Greensburg, PA. That's what I found when I looked for a Gas Drilling job. 4/19/10. (Neil Zusman, 2010-04-23.) and SourceWatch.]

The Marcellus Shale Committee is a coalition of oil and gas industry companies which was formed in 2008 to promote "the responsible development of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale geological formation in Pennsylvania and the enhancement of the Commonwealth's economy that can be realized by this clean-burning energy source."

Committee Members

On its website, the Marcellus Shale Committee lists its' members.

Marcellus Shale Development : Toxic Tort Litigation Blog, Ruskin, William , Toxic Tort Litigation Blog, (2010)


Posted on January 15, 2010 by William A. Ruskin.

"Is DEC Ill-Equipped to Oversee Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drilling?"

"According to a report issued by Cornell Law School, the State of New York’s blueprint for Marcellus Shale development proposes 187 new regulatory activities necessary for the oversight of natural gas drilling, but the blueprint does not explain how DEC will carry out these activities."

The Marcellus Shale Formation Information Site, Hart, Nolan , The Marcellus Shale Formation Information Site, (2008)

Nolan Hart. (2008). Includes photos, maps, illustrations.

Named for the town of Marcellus New York, where the shale reaches the surface, it is a Devonian age (roughly 390 million years old) member of a geological structure known as the Hamilton group. It formed when Devonian age seas...covered much of North America.

Marcellus Shale Gas: New Research Results Surprise Geologists!, ,, (2010)

photomicrograph of the Marcellus Shale Marcellus Shale - Appalachian Basin Natural Gas Play.

New research results surprise everyone on the potential of this well-known Devonian black shale. Super Giant Field in the Appalachians? Includes charts and diagrams.

Marcellus Shale Protest, , Marcellus Shale Protest | No Frackng Way, (2010)



Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010


On November 3, 2010, the gas industry gathered at the Developing Unconventional Gas (DUG) East Conference at the David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. Karl Rove was its keynote speaker.

As Pennsylvania citizens concerned about the health of our communities and the environment on which we depend, we attended the conference in the streets...


"No Fracking Way!" was the thunderous statement made by over 500 protestors in Pittsburgh today, marching from Allegheny Landing to the David Lawrence Convention Center.

Residents from West Virginia, Western Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania were joined by activists and artists from all over the country to oppose the dangerous and destructive hydro-fracking gas drilling. The impassioned rally circled David Lawrence Convention Center, where inside gas industry executives were meeting to discuss the "future" of hydro-fracking gas drilling and planning to use heavy explosives to blast apart the Marcellus Shale formation to get the gas beneath.

"This is a revolution!" said Loretta Weir of Lincoln Place, Pittsburgh. Loretta said that a revolution was needed since the gas companies operate "outside the law." Weir took the podium to encourage city residents to support a moratorium on drilling in Pittsburgh, and to attend a public hearing tomorrow to discuss the matter.

Josh Fox, maker of the film Gasland, remarked that the movement to stop hydro-fracking gas drilling is growing, prompting huge cheers from the crowd. Telling the story of a father in a hydro-fracking region whose two sons got frequent nose bleeds from hydro-fracking-associated toxins.

"We are here for that family!" said Fox.

Marcellus Protest is an alliance of western PA groups & individuals building a broad movement to stop the destruction of our environment and communities caused by Marcellus Shale gas drilling as well as to support other directly affected communities.

Includes upcoming events, blogs, listing of groups and network meetings. is an information clearing house about Marcellus Shale gas drilling and activism and related issues. It is a project of The Center for Coalfield Justice.

Although this website's primary geographic focus is Western Pennsylvania, also includes content pertaining to the fives states in which the Marcellus Shale is located - as well as other Shale gas formations across the U.S. A new social movement is in the making, and it's going national.

See: Marcellus protest YouTube Channel

See: Pictures from Allegheny Defense Project

See: Poison Fire

MarcellusGas.Org Home Page, MarcellusGas.Org , MarcellusGas.Org, (2011)


Extensive and thorough source of information on Marcellus Shale gas drilling in Pennsylvania. Non-members have limited access to some of the county and township specific information provided on well data, maps, production reports, violations, and company details. There is an option to become a guest member. is located in Montrose, PA and can be contacted at 570-278-1994

There is an email contact form here.

About MarcellusGas.Org

The MarcellusGas.Org website was created to provide easy-to-access information pertaining to Marcellus gas wells being drilled in Pennsysylvania. The site was launched in September of 2010, with plans to substantially expand the information available in upcoming months.

MarcellusGas.Org welcomes and encourages comments, opinions, and suggestions. Please send your comments, and let us know what you think. Use our Contact MarcellusGas.Org form to send us your thoughts.


Sample Map showing horizontal directional drill located directly under the Elk Lake School in Dimock, PA. Find articles on Dimock, PA on Mixplex.


Marsh Fork Elementary: Journey Up Coal River | A Community and Strip Mining, Aurora Lights , Aurora Lights, (2010)


Primary documentation of the effects of strip-mining for coal on a West Virginia community.  Gas Drilling and Strip-Mining affect communities health.  This website is an outstanding example of the human aspect of sacrifices for energy and power production that may not be necessary.

Aurora Lights supports locally-based projects that strengthen the connections within and between human communities and their natural environment by promoting environmental and social action. See also: Aurora Lights Home.

“What we got going on here in Rock Creek is a little school in Sundial, W.Va., called Marsh Fork Elementary and it's being surrounded by a coal mining processing plant and a toxic waste impoundment and also a mountaintop removal site,” said Rock Creek resident Ed Wiley. He used to work at the processing plant and his granddaughter, Kayla, attended Marsh Fork Elementary.

The toxic waste impoundment and processing plant are all operated by the Goals Coal Co., a subsidiary of Massey Energy. The 1849-acre mountaintop removal mine that surrounds the school and dam is operated by two other Massey subsidiaries, Independence Coal and Alex Energy.

See: Code Black: Coal’s Assault on America’s Health Campaign | PSR (Physicians for Social Responsibility)

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch, Press, Eyal , The Nation, p.6 - 6, (2004)


Eyal Press.  The Nation.  September 23, 2004.

This article appeared in the October 11, 2004 edition of The Nation.

"...Beginning under the Clinton Administration, the federal government pushed to expand production of this comparatively clean-burning fossil fuel, although Clinton also protected millions of acres of public land from drilling.

The Bush Administration, by contrast, has called for removing all "restrictions and impediments" on domestic development, code language for opening dozens of pristine natural habitats to unfettered leasing..."

Meet the Gas Geezers, Stephens, Maura , Counterpunch, (2011)



This weekend, as 10,000 energetic, bright young people are converging on Washington, DC, for PowerShift 2011, a geezer* is waging an all-out assault on their future.

Eighty-two-year-old Texas fossil-fuel-pushing megabillionaire T. Boone Pickens has, incredibly, essentially written a bill called the NAT GAS Act (“New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions,” H.R. 1380), to switch fleet vehicles such as buses and interstate trucks to “natural” gas.

Pickens has been working the Hill, White House, airwaves, and editorial boardrooms for some time. He’s got buddies like MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan gushing over him and Joe Nocera writing oily op-ed odes to nat gas in the New York Times. And Pickens has somehow managed to sell President Obama and an astonishing number of Congress members on the myth that nat-gas is a homegrown wonder fuel “bridge” from dirty foreign oil to a clean energy future...

Meeting of Manhattan Community Board #3 held on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 6:30 at IS 131, 100 Hester Street., City of New York , IS 131, 100 Hester Street, New York, New York, (2009)


Reading the minutes of this meeting held on April 28, 2009 led me to many of the significant documents used in the production of my Fracking Guide. Since this meeting a year ago, many other city and county legislatures in New York have adopted similar resoultions. (Neil Zusman, 2010-04-29.)

Resolution by The City of New York Manhattan Community Board No. 3.

Item No. 3 of minutes. Page 4 of 9.

3. Resolution regarding drilling in Marcellus Shale and impact on NYS water supply VOTE: WHEREAS, On July 23, 2008 Governor David Patterson signed A10526/S08169 into law, a bill setting certain technical requirements pertaining to well spacing which will facilitate the use of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas recovery in an under ground geological formation known as the Marcellus Shale...

WHEREAS, serious deficiencies in a review of the effects of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water supplies conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been raised, including the alleged removal of key passages in that document by officials from the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney, as reported on October 14, 2004 by the Los Angeles Times, and the characterization of the report as "scientifically unsound" by an internal EPA whistleblower...

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Manhattan Community Board #3 unequivocally urges the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to prohibit the use of hydraulic fracturing in the New York State and especially within the City watershed..."

Mira's Movement, Brouwer, Christine , Mira's Movement, (2011)


Mira's Movement is a pediatric cancer support and advocacy organization, dedicated to supporting families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis, as well as increasing funding of research into better treatments and the causes of childhood cancer.

Do you know that pediatric cancer is the leading disease killer of children in the United States? That 35 children are diagnosed with cancer in the US every day? Do you know that, according to the National Cancer Institute, pediatric cancer as a whole received only $200 million for research in 2009?

Christine Brouwer

Not enough is being done to better understand childhood cancer—what causes it and how to better treat it. It's not because there aren't enough researchers ready to do this work. It's because there isn't enough public and private funding to move it ahead. If parents of children with cancer weren't busy taking care of them, hoping to save their lives, or grieving, they'd be able to be more vocal advocates. For these reasons, many voices are not being heard, and we're working to change that. Please join us in supporting and speaking up for kids with cancer!

Source: US Mortality Files, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and 2004 Life Tables.

See: Sandra Steingraber. Raising Elijah.

See: Poisoned profits : the toxic assault on our children

See: The Case for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Toxic Hazards

See: Fracking: Implications for Human and Environmental Health

See: Food and Water Watch

See: What is the National Children's Study?