Contains the keyword press

WikiLeaks Saudi Cables Prompt Questions Over Peak Oil | Neon Tommy, Slosson, Mary , Neon Tommy | USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism | Digital News, (2011)


Wikileaks has embarrassed the U.S. and a member of the House Homeland Security Committe, Candice Miller (R-Mich) has said, "It is time that the Obama administration treats WikiLeaks for what it is — a terrorist organization whose continued operation threatens our security."

I propose that this story about peak oil is a leak fed by the U.S. to drive up the price of oil in the long term.

It is the effect of oil consumption on our environment, not our economy, that is best considered around our mashup meanderings of this story. The toll that greenhouse gases are taking on human health and climate change has, by some accounts, already killed millions of children worldwide. Even is there were an endless supply, burning oil and gas has serious health effects and while scientists and economists trade models, the innocent suffer outside the lens of for-profit media. (Neil Zusman, 2011-02-19).

This report about a Guardian article by Anneneberg | USC introduces us to a lively source of student journalism.

The world may run out of fossil fuels far earlier than expected and experience a climb in the price of oil, as data in newly leaked WikiLeaks cables suggest that Saudi Arabia has fewer oil reserves than previously believed.

The latest confidential cables to be released come from the American embassy in Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh, and claim that Saudi oil reserves were overstated by as many as 300 billion barrels, or nearly 40 percent of its actual reserves.


The former head of exploration at Saudi oil monopoly Aramco, Sadad al-Husseini, stated in the classified cables that “peak oil” – the point at which global production and, thus, consumption of oil reaches its highest possible level – may come as early as 2012.

Read between the lines, see these links on Fracking Resources Guide:

Climate Co-benefits and Child Mortality Wedges | Fracking Resource Guide.

The Deep Hot Biosphere : The Myth of Fossil Fuels

Probe Earth's Interior with Advanced Radiation Sources

Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI)

See: Appelbaum, Binyamin. “A Life’s Value May Depend on the Agency, but It’s Rising.” The New York Times 16 Feb. 2011. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

See also: Associated Press. "How to value life? EPA devalues its estimate: $900,000 taken off in what critics say is way to weaken pollution rules." 2008-07-10.