N.Y. Democrat Fires Back at Obama Admin in Fight Over Shale Drilling

Publication Type:

Newspaper Article


The New York Times | Greenwire (2010)








A leading congressional critic of shale drilling is scolding the Obama administration for failing to try to slow drilling in the Northeast's Marcellus Shale.

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.) fired off a letter (pdf) yesterday to the commander of the North Atlantic Division of the Army Corps of Engineers, Brig. Gen. Peter "Duke" DeLuca. DeLuca represents the federal government on the little-known but powerful Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), and he rebuffed Hinchey's request that he use his vote to block gas drilling there until a lengthy study is completed.

See: Keystone XL Pipeline - Issues

Both Hinchey and Johanns have been rebuffed by the President and the State Department.  Might this be telling us about the direction the Administration is taking in regards to its Energy Policy?  nz

See: Obama Admin Rejects Timeout for Natural Gas Drilling in N.Y., Pa.

See: What President Obama should have said about natural gas.

See: In Pa., Rove tells Marcellus shale drillers: Expect 'sensible regulation'

See: Northeast Regulator Lightens Shale Drillers' Load