Geo Animation: Marcellus Shale Permits in PA Over Time | Blog | Rhiza Labs, Knauer, Josh , Rhiza Labs, (2010)


Rhiza Labs | Online Mapping Software for exploring, visualizing, and sharing crowdsourced data on the web.

June 30, 2010

Geo Animation: Marcellus Shale Permits in PA Over Time

by Josh Knauer


Here at Rhiza Labs, we’re really excited to have a whole bunch of new public projects launching with our clients. These clients are pioneers who are exploring new ways to encourage communities of interest to aggregate data and share it publicly, while also providing these communities with incredibly powerful data analysis and visualization tools. One of the latest projects to launch,, involves many dozens of community organizations that want to tract the impacts of Marcellus Shale gas wells in their communities.

I wanted to see how widespread this type of gas well drilling practice was, so I took the Marcellus Shale gas well permit data from the PA Dept of Environmental Protection and created a quick snapshot of the data, and then just clicked on the Action button in the upper right corner of the snapshot page and chose the options “Download as –> KML” to bring it into Google Earth. I then just hit “play” on the time slider within Google Earth.