EPA Research Highlights | Science Matters, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) , Science Matters, Volume 2, Issue Number 1, (2011)


GEMS: Great Environmental Moments in Science

Overhead shot of a highway system

Can Highways Contribute to Asthma?
EPA scientists and partners team up to examine the link between road-related air pollution and susceptibility to asthma.

Can Rain Barrels and Gardens Help Keep Sewage in the Sewers?
EPA researchers investigate how well rain barrels and rain gardens retain stormwater.

Rain barrel collecting water from a drainspout
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson

Environmental Justice: What’s Science Got to Do With It?
EPA researcher describes new research efforts to better understand the link between environmental health and justice.

Executive Message:

...As an agency, we are ready to face scientific challenges in 2011 that range from mountain top mining to hydraulic fracturing to endocrine disruption and more. But the reason it’s so important to invest in the kind of new thinking, methods, and approaches that Administrator Jackson has called for, is to ensure our ability to take on those challenges we can’t foresee. Innovative thinking and sustainable approaches will be out best tools to confront new environmental challenges as they arise.

Paul T. Anastas
Assistant Administrator
Office of Research and Development
